Do you have questions about a specific product, inventory, or shipping?
Or perhaps you have a customer service issue that you need help getting resolved?

Our team is more than happy to assist you!

Use the following form to get in touch with us with your questions, concerns, and suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you, and helping answer any concerns that you may have.

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Cockspur House

CR Nile & Hincks Street
Bridgetown St. Michael Barbados

(246) 537-5616

Hours of Business

Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 5PM
Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Saturday: 8AM - 5PM
Sunday: Closed

New Century Complex

Top Rock
Christ Church

(246) 537-5771

Hours of Business

Monday - Thursday:  8AM - 7PM
Friday & Saturday:  8AM - 8 PM
Sunday:  Closed